Why support The Silent Why?
And what is Twoc Productions?!
Hi, I'm Claire, one of the co-hosts of The Silent Why podcast, and clicking on this page, in my eyes, makes you one of those extra special human beings, because here I'm going to explain a little about life behind the podcast and my work, and how you can help it continue if you also believe in the value of helping others on their grief journey.
The Silent Why came out of our personal journey with loss, wanting to share things we've learnt along the way. We've really valued conversations about loss and grief, but I wanted to go one step further and share what we've learnt with others. So I decided to launch this podcast (with my husband co-hosting and helping me learn the tricky editing parts).
In late 2019 I had at hysterectomy at the age of 38 years old. I took a break from work to recover from this and then just as I was ready to return, Covid-19 hit. So I used the next year to finish a project I'd been trying to work on for years - my first novel (also tackling the themes of loss). I found it was a subject I grew more and more fascinated with, and it led me to dream about what it would look like to try and build a job around my creative passions full-time.
So in 2022 I registered as self-employed to see if build a career out of the two things I love most - writing and communicating. Oh, and Earl Grey tea, that's one of my favourite things ever (and marzipan!).
And so Twoc Productions was born ('Twoc' because I'm one of two people whose names begin with C).
I'm passionate about wanting to provide resources for people that help them navigate loss and grief, so they feel less alone. I believe the podcast and my writing can do this in a world where so many people are facing loss and unprocessed grief, some without even realising it.
Money is certainly not the goal of this project, but I am aiming to do this full time and help as many people as I can through my work. So I intend to find as many ways as possible to provide value, and hope people will share my vision and support me financially. It feels very weird to do this, but I see many others achieving it - so I'm going to give it a shot.
If you want to support me in this dream I've set up a list of ways you can do that below. Some are even free and only require a couple of minutes of your time, but they help me spread the word and reach more people needing help with their loss. Others are financial and help me fund the cost of the podcast and my time. Hit the 'Buy me an Earl Grey' button at the top of the page (or click here) to donate financially to my work and support me as a one off gift, or as a regular supporter (from as little as £3 a month).
Plus, in early 2024 I launched Herman, a practical, physical way to help others feel less alone, and purchasing one of them for yourself or a loved one is another great way to support my work.
And I'm always working on exciting things I can offer you in return for your support.
Thank you for being here and joining me on this exciting new chapter.
"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition,
they somehow already know what you truly want to become."
- Steve Jobs
A huge warm hug and thank you to my regular supporters through Buy Me a Coffee:
(without you guys this work might not be possible at all)
Evelyn Calaunan
Peter Ellis
Jackie Waring
Diane Fopp
Greg Williams
[Your name?]